Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Invisalign- An Ideal Treatment for Teeth Correction

If you’re in the Rittenhouse Square and you have been thinking to go for the teeth correction treatment, then read this blog first to know which procedure will be the best option for you. Here, you will learn what Invisalign is, how this method works, how it is better than traditional braces, and what will be its benefits?

What is invisalign?
Invisalign treatment is at the top of recommended cosmetic dentistry technology suggested by well-known Dentist in Rittenhouse Square. Developed in 1997, it is a virtually invisible option to straighten the teeth and nowadays becomes the most popular clear aligner’s alternative. More than millions of people have been receiving this treatment for the correction of their teeth.   

What will happen during the treatment?
A patient is fitted with the invisible and removable aligners that have been specially designed to properly fit the patient’s teeth. The clear aligners make the teeth to shift their position slightly over duration of 2 weeks. After that, these aligners will change for the next set that makes the teeth to change more. The teeth will straighten into the correct natural position as the treatment progress over the time.   
The complete process usually takes time from 12-18 months, but this duration can be somewhat shorter or longer based on the complexity of patient’s malocclusion like overbite, crossbite, etc. But at the end, you will get straighten teeth. 

Is Invisalign a better option than traditional metal braces? 
Invisalign is excellent method than having to wear traditional metal braces as it can be customized toward adults or older teenagers. Further, it has many benefits over traditional braces including:
1.       No one can realize that you are wearing the aligners.
2.       Easily removable.
3.       Invisalign is more attractive than metal braces.
4.       Invisalign clear braces do not cause damage to gums and teeth.
5.       Patient know how long they need the treatment and what would be its result.
To know about the Invisalign cost you can schedule your meeting with experienced dentist as it depends on many factors such as your case condition, duration, and more.
If you have crowded or crooked teeth and want to make them look perfect, then schedule your Invisalign appointment with reputed dentist to get straight teeth you always want.

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